ECCLESIASTICAL ACADEMY OF ATHENS The Ecclesiastical Academy of Athens is a productive, Higher Education Institution of the Orthodox Church of Greece. Degrees awarded are equivalent to those of all other Universities in Greece. The academy is superintended by the Ministry of Education according to law 3432/2006. As from the Academic year 2009-2010, the Academy consists of two departments which offer a Programme of studies completed in 8 semesters: 1) Department of Theological and Pastoral Studies 2) Department of Management and Conservation of Ecclesiastical Cultural Heritage Objects An equalization degree Programme is also offered for the graduates of the Supreme Ecclesiastical Academies of Greece which lasts for 2 semesters. Programme of Studies 1. The undergraduates for all Ecclesiastical Academies of Greece must complete 8 semesters and attendance for all students is compulsory. 2. Each Ecclesiastical Academy may implement more than one curriculum, as clearly stated in paragraph 3 of this article. Emphasis is put on disciplines focusing on the Orthodox aspects of Christianity. After the completion of any of the two programmes of studies offered in our Faculty, undergraduates are awarded with a common degree with the option of including any number of majors, as these are stated in the school curriculum. The number of undergraduates admitted in the programme is specified separately for each of the two departments according to article 4 of the aforementioned law. During the first two years of basic studies a number of courses may be common for both departments especially during the first semesters. Aims of Ecclesiastical Education Ecclesiastical Education aims at offering a high level of education as well as Christian ethos to members of the clergy of the Orthodox Church of Greece and laymen alike To this end, as mentioned in article 2 of this law, the role of the Higher Ecclesiastical Academies is to: a) Instill the principles of the Orthodox Faith and Christianity to their students b) Provide their students with the highest level of educational and spiritual education, as well as, the necessary knowledge through theory and practice. c) Promote and deploy historical sources of the Orthodox Faith and Tradition, monuments and cultural heritage objects of Orthodoxy and the spiritual and cultural treasures of the Church of Greece and the Orthodox Church in general, with the aim of serving the Orthodox Church. d) Encourage students to develop a spirit of unity, love and cooperation which they will then, in turn transmit to the worshippers of our church as well as to everyone in Greece with the main objective of achieving peaceful and harmonic cohabitation on a national as well as global level.
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